2nd Campaign Filing Shows More Donors than Any Other At- Large Candidate
Washington, DC –Sekou Biddle’s campaign for at-large councilmember continues to gain momentum as the April 3 primary nears.
The second period fundraising reports released late last night show that Biddle’s support across the District of Columbia is broader and stronger in the District than any of the other at-large candidates.Broad Grassroots Support – Biddle’s campaign had one and a half times as many donors as either of his opponents.
The large number of small contributions to Biddle’s campaign throughout the District of Columbia is additional proof that this race is supported by regular, hardworking people who want a councilmember that will represent the interests of DC residents, not corporations, or those who live outside the District.Local Support – More of Biddle’s donors are from the District of Columbia than any other candidate. In the case of Biddle and Peter Shapiro, Biddle had more than twice the number of donors from the District of Columbia than Shapiro did. Over 80 percent of Biddle’s donors live in the District of Columbia. Nearly half of Shapiro’s donors live outside the District of Columbia as well as almost one-third of Vincent Orange’s donors.
People Not Corporations – Biddle was the only at-large candidate to stand with the founders of the DC Campaign for Public Trust as they announced their intention to get corporate money out of DC elections. Corporate contributions do not have an individual name tied to them and allow wealthy people with multiple corporate interests to skirt the campaign finance laws regarding maximum contributions. The overwhelming majority, 95 percent of all of Biddle’s contributors, come from individuals, not corporate accounts. However, almost one-third, of Orange’s donations came from corporations.